Help Max Our SJHS Match Challenge!
All Capital Campaign gifts and pledges made before the end of December 2017 will be matched up to $100,000.
Pledges may be paid over a 5-year period, and the full amount will be matched. In fact, payments may begin in 2018.
In this season of giving, we invite you to make a tax-deductible gift or pledge to the Centennial Celebration Campaign before December 31.
To make your gift online, simply click on this link. Be sure to select “Capital Campaign.”
To donate by phone, make a pledge, or ask a question, contact Development Director Christie Benton at (724) 226-8043.
The Development Office will be open on weekdays throughout year end from 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m., with the exception of December 25 and 26.