Science Research
Get to know the teacher and students
Note cards
What is science research?
Finish note cards
Lab Assistants – What do they do and how do I sign up?
Scavenger Hunt: Introduction to website and class policies
Materials: Lab Safety Contract & Signature Page
Small group work – POGIL: Safety First
Lab Safety Video
POGIL: Safety First
POGIL: Safety First
Overview – Competitions
PowerPoint & Discussion – How to pick a research question
POGIL: Safety First
Article: The Nature of Science
Read the article. As you read through the material, you will find questions (Q1, Q2, etc). Answer these questions in your notebook. The questions appear on the following pages: 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.
Assignment: POGIL: Safety First
Discussion: Formal communications
Lab Safety Test
PowerPoint & Discussion – How to pick a research question
Discussion: Criteria for projects
Project question development
Project question development
Project question development
Class discussion & practice: Bibliography and note cards
Class discussion & practice: Reliable resources
Class discussion & practice: Reliable resources
Class discussion & practice: Data book rules
Pd 1 – Work on question development
Senior & Freshmen Picnic
Class discussion & practice: Data book rules
Work on question development
Freshmen retreat
Quiz: Bibliography cards and data book rules
Assignment: Project Question
Assignment: 2 bibliography cards with 2 note cards
Seminar: Project Questions
Discussion: What to include in typed project question assignment
Discussion: Good experimental design
Work day
Assignment: Project Question – typed
Project question seminar
Discussion: Research Plan… What do I need?
Work Time: Research Plan
Assignment: Project Question #2 (typed)
Seminar: Discussion of Project Questions #2
Work Time: Research Plan
PSAT Testing
Work Time: Research Plan
Assignment: Research Plan #1
Seminar: Discussion of Research Plans
Seminar: Discussion of Research Plans
Seminar: Discussion of Research Plans
Work day: Revised Research Plans
Explore registration and paperwork
Work Day
How to write a paper
Assignment: Revised Research Plan
Seminar: Revised research plans
Work Day
Work Day
Work Day
Work Day
Work Day
Work Day
Registration and online paperwork
Registration and online paperwork
Registration and online paperwork
Introduction to paper
Registration and online paperwork
Introduction to paper
If time… Kathryn’s data
Registration and online paperwork
Introduction to paper
Registration and online paperwork
Introduction to paper
8 AM PJAS Deadline…
*Register online
*Give Mrs. G paper copies of all required paperwork
*Give Mrs. G a copy of your signature page
Registration and online paperwork
Introduction to paper
PRSEF… registration and all paperwork must be completed
Registration and online paperwork
Introduction to paper
Introduction to paper
Introduction to paper
Introduction to paper
Individual meetings – Will you be done by Christmas?
Introduction to paper
Introduction to paper
Introduction to paper
Introduction to paper
Introduction to paper
Discussion: Lab clean up for break
Introduction to paper
Introduction to paper
Introduction to paper
Have A Blessed Christmas!
Seminar: Current status and future goals
PowerPoint & Discussion: Components of a good Powerpoint
PowerPoint & Discussion: Components of a good Powerpoint
Work Session: PowerPoints
Work Day
Work Day
Upperclassmen Presentation: Brody
Discussion: Stats
Work on data anlaysis
Work on data analysis and / or PowerPoint
Work on data analysis and / or PowerPoint
Work on data analysis and / or PowerPoint
PowerPoint Presentations (graded): Aaron & Kathryn
PowerPoint Presentations (graded): Joshua & Gabriella
PowerPoint Presentations (graded): Matt
*Please come to class with your Powerpoint everyday this week.
PowerPoint Presentations (graded): Matt & Kathyrn
PowerPoint Presentations (graded): Josh & Aaron
PowerPoint Presentations (graded): Gabby
Deadline to upload PJAS presentation
PJAS Region 7 Meeting – Duquesne University
WIN Time – Paper writing session
In class (all week):
Discussion: PJAS Experience
PRSEF approvals
Symposium Application
Paper Writing
WIN Time: Work on Paper or Symposium Application
PRSEF Paperwork – Complete?
Discussion: How to write a science research paper
Discussion: How to write a science research paper
Paper Writing
Symposium Application
Paper Writing
Symposium Application
Check on PRSEF status
Symposium application
Paper Writing
Poster Preparation
Discussion: Components of a good poster & tips for creating one
Symposium application
Paper Writing
Poster Preparation
WIN Time: Work on paper, poster, Symposium application
Symposium paper is due to Mrs. Greco today (final draft)
Symposium Application deadline (online)
WIN Time: Work on posters
PRSEF papers and posters are due today (Components of the posters do not have to be attached to the actual trifold)
Hi Everyone… As we work through flexible instruction days, I will continue to post assignments on this page. We are also going to use Google Classroom. Our code is: cc2tr7g
I am new to Google Classroom so I need your feedback as to what works and any questions, problems or concerns you have. Pay attention to due dates on Google Classroom.
Please check this page everyday, Monday through Thursday.
Communication is important. Please email me as needed.
I will send emails sometime today about cancelled competitions.
What to work on today: It is time to start thinking about a potential project question/topic for next year. Spend at least 30 minutes today researching and exploring possible topics. Soon, we will be able to share our ideas on Google Classroom. Until then, take notes and keep bibliography information in your notebook. You should have the bibliography information for at least one resource. This is going to be a long term assignment. More details will be given as we work through the assignment.
We are going to have a seminar in Google Classroom. Please follow the directions. You will have until 11:45 PM on Thursday to complete the classwork.
See March 18.
Send a correctly written bibliography for the resource(s) you used for this seminar. Send the bibliography no later than 11:45Pm on Thursday by way of email.
Symposium (Extra Credit)
After our seminar on your proposed topics for next year, please reflect on comments made by your peers and me. Spend at least 35 minutes today doing one of the following:
a) Continue research on your proposed topics. Work on any suggestions and questions that came up during seminar. After you have addressed these, continue to explore your topic and gathering sources.
b) If you have decided to scrap your first idea, explore a new one.
Remember to keep notes of all your work in your notebook and to keep bibliography information for all sources explored.
Continue your work from yesterday. By the end of today, you should have a total of at least three resources.
Continue your research work. By the end of today, you should have a total of at least four resources.
Google Classroom: Seminar Discussion – Post an update of your idea. Post at least two responses to their student ideas.
Email me the bibliographies for the resources you obtained this week (Your total from last week and this week should be 4)
Let’s take a break from research about our projects and read an interesting article today.
This link will take you to some questions and a link to the article. Read the article and answer the questions in your notebook. A discussion will follow later in the week.
There is a question for you to respond to on Google Classroom.
You should spend about 40 minutes today answering the question and then continuing your research. By the end of this week, it is expected that you have 5 resources (total) relating to your project. After Easter, we will start to write research plans for the projects you are proposing to do.
Continue research work from yesterday. You will have today and tomorrow to continue your research in preparation for writing a research plan after Easter. You should spend 40 minutes a day. Please send me any questions or concerns you may have.
See April 1
Read the article and answer. the questions that follow in your notebook.
Two of the questions from yesterday are posted in Google Classroom. Answer them and respond to any of your classmate’s answers.
Spend the remainder of today’s class and tomorrow’s class researching your proposed project question for next year. Start to think about the exact statement of your question and your hypothesis or your engineering goal. Please send me any questions or concerns or thoughts yo have (email or stream). We will begin work on your research plans next week.
See April 7
Work for about 40 minutes today and then take a break until after Easter (Tuesday). Do something fun. Take some time to reflect upon your many Blessings. Pray.
I wish you and your family many Easter Blessings!
Work on your hypothesis or engineering goal for your future project. Tomorrow, you will be asked to submit a formally written hypothesis or engineering goal. You will be asked to include a paragraph that summarizes the research you did that led to your hypothesis or engineering goal. This will be a graded assignment. Please send me any questions or concerns you have about this assignment before 2:30 PM today.
Complete the graded assignment on Google Classroom
It is now time to start thinking about the experimental set up for your proposed project. Research and think about your procedure. We are working toward a procedure with a basic outline of what you propose to actually do… What will your experiment look like? What groups will you have? What data will you collect? Take notes as you research and come up with ideas. Any questions that you need help with? If so, send them to me.
Work on your procedure today. What are your ideas for an experimental set up so far? You will be asked to share what you have developed thus far tomorrow. I do not expect that you have a complete procedure. I just want to see the progress you have made thus far. You will be asked to share your current ideas about the experiment.
Send me your proposed procedure. You can send it in the body of an email or as an attachment in an email. Please include a bibliography of any resources you used to develop your procedure. Details are not necessarily expected but an overview with at least some details is expected. For example… What groups will you have? What data might you collect? What treatments might you use? About how long might this experiment take?
An assignment has been posted in Google Classroom. You are going to read an article describing an experiment. You will then answer some questions. I want you to take your time and read the article carefully. Please also take your time in answering the questions. You have both today and tomorrow to work on this graded assignment.
See April 22
Work on your proposed project today. Depending on where you are with this assignment, you need to work on… the question itself, the hypothesis / engineering goal and/or the procedure. Send me an email by the end of today (midnight) telling me what you worked on today. Be specific and tell me what you accomplished. (Example: I made my project question more specific… I will test the effects of chemical A on the biomass of pea plants after a three month period of daily exposure… etc). Please include any references you used today to help in your developments. This week is the last chance to update the question and the hypothesis / engineering goal of your proposed project. Remember that this work should reflect that you understand the aspects of a good project and a valid hypothesis / engineering goal. I encourage you to communicate with me throughout this week about these two aspects of your proposed project with any questions or concerns (or just to run something by me….) so that we can have a polished bit of work by Thursday. You should spend about 40 minutes today on this assignment. Communicating with me can be a part of this time slot.
A graph representing data as well as questions are posted in Google Classroom (stream). Answer the questions in complete sentences. Then… In question #2, you formed a hypothesis. Design an experiment that could test your hypothesis. Describe the experiment in a few paragraphs. Your work should demonstrate that you know the characteristics of a good experiment. Include a description of groups, treatments and controls, data to be collected, etc. This is a graded assignment. You have two days to work on this assignment. Send me your answers to the questions and your experimental design by tomorrow at 11:45 PM in an email.
See April 28
Spend today refining your proposed project idea. If you don’t need to do this, work on your bibliography. You will need five sources by the end of next week. Only one of them can be a website. (The other sources can be obtained online.)
By the end of the day on Thursday of this week, you need to send me the following:
*A final version of your paper for the project you completed this year.
*A bibliography for your proposed project (as described last Thursday on this webpage.)
Spend today editing your paper or working on your bibliography. You will have today and tomorrow to work on this.
See May 4.
Complete Models 1 & 2 of the POGIL: Scientific Inquiry. It is posted in Google Classroom (stream)
Complete Model 3 of the POGIL: Scientific Inquiry
See May 4 for a description of the assignments due today. They are due by midnight tonight.
The answers to the POGIL: Scientific Inquiry, have been posted in Google Classroom (stream). Check your work. Email me any questions you have.
Complete the Graded Assignment posted in Google Classroom. This must be completed by 11:45 PM tonight.
I have posted information about an assignment in Google Classroom and ask for your feedback. Please look at this and respond no later than 11:45 PM today.
Thank you for your feedback about the videos. I will get back to each of you in response to your concerns and questions.
Let’s work on them this week and next. I will check on your progress later next week to see how you are doing and if you need more time. Please communicate with me as you work through this video. Send me questions, etc.
See May 13
See May 13
Work on video
Work on video
Work on video.
Send me an email by midnight tonight. In the email, report on the progress you have made on your video. This is a graded assignment.
Then… Have a great weekend!
Work on video
Work on video
Work on video
I would like you to send me the video by midnight on Monday. If you need more time, let me know by Monday at 8 AM.
Happy June!
Videos are due by midnight tonight unless you have made other arrangements with me by email.
Last Assignment….
Write down a question you have about COVID-19 or any of the current situations surrounding COVID-19. (Examples… Are masks effective at preventing the spread? How close are we to developing a vaccine?) Research the question. You need at least two resources. You will turn in the following… Your question, your answer to the question and the sources you used (correct bibliography). Be careful to use reliable resources. It is possible that their isn’t one definitive answer to your question. Just tell me what you found. (For instance, you may ask if it is safe to return to school in September. You won’t find one answer. Explain the pros and cons. The purpose of the assignment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your skills in researching a topic and choosing reliable resources. Email me the assignment no later than 11:45 PM on Wednesday.
See June 2
Have a great Summer!
September 11
Assignment: Lab Safety Posters
Research time
September 12
Assignment: Lab Safety Contracts
Test: Lab Safety
POGIL: Scientific Inquiry
September 13
Discussion: Everything you ever wanted to know about creating bibliography and note cards
September 14
Research Day