My Classes
Biology is a junior level course, exploring life at all levels, from molecules and cells to ecosystems and the biosphere.
Student exploration, research and problem solving are emphasized throughout the course. Students learn to communicate in a concise and technical manner both orally and in a written format.
Methods used include teacher and student presentations, labs (both cook book and inquiry), web based activities, POGILS and case studies.
The course is divided into the following units:
Unit 1: Safety and Lab Conduct
Unit 2: The Ten Themes of Biology
Unit 3: Biochemistry
Unit 4: Cell Structure and Function
Unit 5: Genetics
Unit 6: Microbes, Protists and Fungi
Unit 7: Ecology
Unit 8: Human Reproduction
Unit 9: Nervous System and Drugs
All grades will be posted on Power School.
Students are graded in three categories: lab, class participation,
quizzes and tests.
The following are considered in determining lab grades:
Lab reports / lab sheets, completion of tasks,
participation in activities, cooperation with lab partners as well as responsibility toward lab equipment and lab safety.
The following are considered in determining class participation grades:
homework and class assignments, participation in activities and discussions, coming to class prepared and
effective use of class time. Each student will be assigned participation points at the start of every
week. Points will be deducted if necessary, as the week progresses.
All major tests will be posted in Google Classroom. Unannounced quizzes will be given. The questions on the quiz will evaluate student understanding of the material covered in the previous lesson.
The grades that you earn on assignments and test are only one set of indicators of your success. An honest evaluation of effort and progress, made by student and teacher, are important considerations in the assignment of a grade.
Please use Power School to keep track of your progress.
Weighted Biology
Prerequisite: Science Research class
Students have the opportunity to earn a weighted Biology grade by participating in the science research program. Each student in this program will conduct an original and
independent science research project. Students will present their work in the
form of a formal paper, a presentation board and a powerpoint presentation.
Students are expected to participate in the SJHS science fair. Additionally, they
must present their work at two approved science competitions. Students will have the opportunity to present their work at additional competitions for extra credit.
Class policies are the same as Biology 1.
Science Research
Science Research is an elective for freshman, sophomores and juniors. Students will
study current science discoveries. Each student will conduct an original and
independent science research project. Students will present their work in the
form of a formal paper, a presentation board and a powerpoint presentation.
All students will participate in the SJHS science fair. Additionally, they
will present their work at outside competitions. Students may have the opportunity
to present their work at additional competitions for extra credit.
Activities will include presentations by both the teacher and guest speakers,
assignments that involve practicing the skills needed to complete a science research project, and research team meetings in which students share and
discuss the progress of their individual projects.
Students will have some class time to complete their projects but it is
expected that time outside the class will be dedicated to project work.
The following will be evaluated in determining student progress: quiz and test scores, class participation, data book, research paper, oral presentation, presentation board and participation in science competitions.
Biology II
Emphasis is placed on human biology.
Students will explore the workings of the human body and human diseases and disorders.
All students will work on short or long term projects in
order to develop research skills, practice laboratory techniques and improve
communication skills.
The following will be evaluated in determining student progress: class
participation, lab work, class presentations, tests and written work.
Algebra I
Algebra I is a Freshman course.
The following will be evaluated in determining student progress: quiz and test scores, class participation, homework assignments and projects.