ODYSSEY – Art and Science Show

SJHS Science and Technology Center 800 Montana Ave, Natrona Heights, PA, United States

View a display of Art and Science projects from SJHS students. Middle school students will also display science projects for the SJHS Stem Fair.

STEM Fair for Elementary School Students

SJHS Science and Technology Center 800 Montana Ave, Natrona Heights, PA, United States

WHO? This fair is designed for any student in grade 6-8.   WHAT? Present either a science poster/board OR electronic slides. Students are encouraged to use a recent school science fair, PJAS, or PRSEF project. Summarize the research and results on a poster or electronic slides. Participants will be given one small table to display…

School Mass

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament Church.

Senior Retreat

Christ Our Shepherd Center, Greensburg.