Welcome to Saint Joseph High School! There are several opportunities to visit and learn why St. Joes is the place for you! SJHS has been educating students for over 110 years in academics, the arts and athletics. We regularly turn out National Merit recognized students, award-winning theatrical productions, WPIAL championship teams – and solid citizens. Contact us to Discover Your St. Joe's!
Admissions Dept.
Mrs. Sharon Farrell & Mrs. Shane Palumbo '92
Admissions Timeline for Incoming Freshmen
- Apply online to SJHS (Rolling)
- Shadow Days (October through April)
- Fall Open House (October 19)
- Send Transcript to SJHS (October/November)
- Placement Test (December 7)
- Scholarship Application I (December 9)
- Scholarship Application II (January 20)
- FACTS online aid application (March 15)
- Placement Test (March 22)
- Curriculum Night (April)
- Tuition Packages distributed (April)
- Class of 2029 Orientation (August)
1) Apply online or submit the SJHS Admissions Application and submit a $50 application fee.
2) Submit a record request form to your current school to send a copy of your transcript from 7th and 8th grade.
3) All SJHS 9th grade applicants are required to take the STS HSPT (Placement Test) at SJHS.
The placement test will be administered on two dates at the SJHS Science and Technology Center in the fall and winter.
Saturdays at 9am - 12pm:
December 7 and March 22
Students should arrive at 8:45am. Dress is casual, and a number 2 pencil is required. If you have applied to SJHS by submitting the admissions application there is no fee to take the test. If you have not yet registered you can bring your admissions application to the placement test. If you do not apply to SJHS there is a $10 placement test fee to pay at the door upon entrance. If you are taking the placement test with us and need us to send our your scores to another school there is a $25 fee. While students are testing a meeting for parents/guardians will take place in the Maloney Room on the 2nd floor to discuss the Admissions process and answer any questions. A brief tour will take place after the meeting.
To register contact Mrs. Shane Palumbo ’92 at 724-226-4932 or
4) Once a student is accepted to the freshmen class a $100 commitment deposit is required to reserve a student’s place by February 1.
5) At the end of the 8th grade school year final records are required from the student's elementary school. Students must submit a record request form to his/her school.
If your current high school experience isn’t quite what you expected, consider St. Joseph High School! Transfer Students are admitted on a rolling admission.
1) Schedule a private tour.
2) Schedule your Shadow Day and be a Spartan for a Day.
3) Submit the Official SJHS Transfer Student Application and $100 application fee.
4) Complete the Transfer Student Release of Records Form & return it to your high school.
5) Complete the Diocesan Discipline Form and submit to SJHS. It must be signed and notarized.
6) Parent & Student must attend an interview with the Admissions Committee.
7) Transfer Students are admitted on a rolling admission. Senior transfers are not accepted. Transfers do not need to take the placement test. No transfers are accepted after February 1.
TUITION (2024-2025)
St. Joes keeps a Catholic education affordable! The tuition per student is $12,500 (Catholic family rate) and $13,000 (non-Catholic family rate). There is a second child tuition credit of $500.
Scholarships are available up to $10,000! View the "Scholarships" section above.
Can you afford SJHS?
View some financial scenarios to show that you can!
Set up Tuition Payments
Families must set up tuition payments via FACTS. Tuition must be paid in full by the last day of school.
SJHS uses FACTS for all fees.
- Fundraising Fee - $500 per student can be satisfied with participation in selling Carpenter’s Club tickets in the fall and/or $20,000 Super Raffle tickets in the spring.
- Technology Fee - $150 per student covers the cost of the iPad or Google Chromebook, security solutions to protect our students, software and hardware support.
- First Day Fee – $20 per student covers the cost of the SJHS Student Handbook/Planner, a SJHS Badge and a lock for the student’s locker.
Assistance is available and awarded in the form of scholarships, aid and grants. In order to be considered for financial assistance families are required to complete a FACTS Financial Aid Form. These applications are available in January and require supporting documentation (income tax return, etc.). If you have received financial assistance, a grant or a scholarship from SJHS for the previous school year, you must reapply via FACTS each year. If you are a registered in coming freshman, you will automatically receive information to apply.
In order to be considered for financial assistance a FACTS Financial Aid Form must be completed and submitted by March 15. These forms are available per the instructions below and differ per Diocese.
Pittsburgh Diocese Tuition Assistance
Amount: Varies with individual need Deadline: March 31 Eligibility: Open to students who are registered in a parish in the Pittsburgh Diocese and demonstrate financial need based on the application. The application must be filled out online.
Pittsburgh Diocese Subsidy
Amount: $125 Deadline: None Eligibility: All students who are members of the Pittsburgh Diocese receive a grant of $125 from the Diocese in support of their education at SJHS.
Greensburg Diocese Tuition Assistance
Amount: Varies with individual need Deadline: March 31 Eligibility: Open to students who are registered in a parish in the Greensburg Diocese and demonstrate financial need based on the FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment application. Diocese of Greensburg Grant and Aid Assessment.
Armstrong County Community Foundation
The Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program offers scholarships for eligible students to attend approved private Pre-K-12 schools in Armstrong and surrounding counties. The application deadline for ETIC scholarships is July 15th of each year.
SJHS Financial Aid
Amount: Varies with individual need Deadline: March 31 Eligibility: – Completion of financial aid form(s) mentioned above.
Scholarships are available up to $10,000!
SJHS proudly offers many scholarships to students who are:
- Incoming freshmen
- Committed to academic success
- Involved in activities at school/church/community
- Registered to take the Placement Test at SJHS
- Complete the application above.
- Request an academic transcript from your school to be sent to SJHS from elementary school.
- Apply online to SJHS.
All students are considered for all scholarships as part of their yearly financial aid package. No separate application or essay is required for the individual scholarships noted below.
Yearly renewal of all SJHS scholarships is contingent on students remaining in good standing at SJHS in academics, Christian behavior and attendance.
The following scholarships have been established in perpetuity by generous alumni and friends of SJHS.
Endowed SJHS Scholarships
Terry Conroy (’64) Family
Dietz Family
Christine Janicik Harmon (‘82) Family
Kaniecki Family (Thomas ’62, Beverly ’64, Jennifer ’89, and Shane ’92)
Joan Dlubak Kunkle
Martha J. Matjasko-Chiu ‘60 Family
Roberta and John Malobicky
Thomas M. McCullough, Esq. ‘56
John and Cheryl Scarfutti
Alice ’45 and James ‘45 Werner
Yearly Funded Scholarships
The Beverly K. Kaniecki Class of 1964 Valedictorian Scholarship
The Jennifer Kaniecki MacNeil Class of 1989 Valedictorian Scholarship
The SJHS Open House provides interested students and families the opportunity to tour the campus, meet faculty, current students and parents, and learn more about SJHS. SJHS offers a fall and spring open house.
Saturdays from 10am - 12pm
October 19 and March 15.
Students in grade 8 can shadow a current freshman at SJHS for the day. It's the best way to Discover Your St. Joes!
Shadow days begin at 7:45am in the Science and Tech Center Lobby and end at 2:30. Pickup and drop off are the same location. We ask students to wear their school uniform or dress in business casual attire (no tshirts, tanks, shorts, sandals please). SJHS will provide lunch.
Parents are welcome to come in for a private tour on shadow days at 1:45 and then meet with their student at 2:30 with the Admissions Director.
Call to schedule a private tour of our campus. Tours can be scheduled any day of the week including evenings and weekends. We will find a time that will work for your busy schedule.
Public school districts in PA are required to provide transportation (at no cost) to a Catholic School if the school district is within a 10-mile radius of SJHS AND the school district provides transportation to their public high school students. The school districts included are: Burrell, Deer Lakes, Fox Chapel, Franklin Regional, Freeport, Highlands, Kiski, Leechburg, New Kensington, Plum Borough, and South Butler.
In addition, SJHS private busing is available from Butler/Mars, Ford City/Kittanning, Oakmont/Penn Hills/Verona, and Shaler. The cost per each student for the private bus is $550 for the entire school year.
For more information on transportation, please contact Mrs. Mandi Porter: or 724-224-4100.
SJHS is part of the PA free breakfast program as well as National School Lunch Program. All SJHS Students will receive a free breakfast every day of the week!
The daily lunch price for 2024 is $3.55. SJHS will continue to use AVI as our service provider and PaySchool for purchases.
All SJHS families to apply for potential benefits from the state of Pennsylvania to receive a reduced price or free lunch. Please follow this link to apply. Important information about the program and application process is included in the attachment.